
Ahegao face

Hi shiurucuties!!! 😘
God bless you 😚
Here's another photo of samus, trying to do an ahegao, i make custom photosets , videos and zings 📷📹 🌈If you like my work please support me on ko-fi (link in my bio) ☕

Hola shiurucuties!!! 😘
Dios los bendiga 😚
Aqui otra fotito de samus, intentando hacer un ahegao, estoy haciendo sets personalizados de fotos, videos y zings 📷📹 🌈Si te gusta mi trabajo porfavor apoyame en ko-fi (link en mi bio) ☕

#samus #samusaran #samuscosplay #metroid #metroidcosplay #nintendo #nintendocosplay #samusarancosplay #ahegao #ahegaoface #ahegaocosplay #photosets #fanservice #zings #cosplay #gamergirl #cosplaygamer #cosplayvenezuela